Aging Sibling Rivalry

I had lunch with my sister Tuesday. That’s always a good time. My younger nephew, Joseph, had lunch with us too. He goes back for his sophomore year at ORU in Tulsa on Sunday. Its always nice to have lunch with a niece or nephew because they are such fun to talk with. He got two speeding tickets this summer, but other than that I think he enjoyed being home.

My sister lives in Wise County and worked for a local resort/bed & breakfast until recently.  My brother-in-law, like us, drives a very long trip to work every day.  His drive, like ours, is about an hour. I think his drive is probably more difficult, because he has to drive Highway 114 into Irving. I think 114 probably is more likely to have backup and traffic problems than 199 is.

Like us, he too is worn out by Friday. Like us, when the weekend rolls around, he doesn’t really want to go anywhere. Unlike us, they have made the decision to rent their place out and move into an apartment two blocks from his work. Did you get that???  TWO BLOCKS!!!  Oh the fantasy of being that close to my job. Oh the happiness of being close to stores, restaurants, and so many other things.

In some ways I think this will be there honeymoon period. I say that because my sister had three small children when she married my brother-in-law. So they were a whole family from the day of their marriage. Then they had Joseph arrive a few years later to complete the package. I’m thinking they will enjoy this time in their little apartment in Iriving, so so so close to his work. <sigh>

It almost sounds like they are sneaking away and living a whole new life.  Yes I am jealous of my sister and her husband.  I’m not sure if I could tolerate being in an apartment at this point in my life, but it sure doesn’t sound all that bad.  No yard work, ever.  If I lived in town, I would hire a maid service.  But that’s just me.  Just the two of them, they probably won’t even have to buy groceries very often.

I didn’t even ask what floor they are on. Now this makes me kind of smile sinfully to myself. Maybe they will have loud neighbors, maybe they will have people tromping on their ceiling in the middle of the night.  <sigh> Yet when they wake up in the morning they will still be TWO BLOCKS from his work!

The good news, the complex has two swimming pools.  Maybe she will invite us over for a Saturday lunch and we can swim and relax by the pool. <sigh> But they will be living in Irving and we will still be in SE Jack County.  As you may have guessed, we just don’t go anywhere on the weekends.  Why?  Because we spend so much time in the car during the week.

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