
Blogging for me is therapeutic. So much so, that my counselor has encouraged me to pick it back up again. 2019 has been a painful year for me for a lot of reasons. I know that it has been for lots of people. It’s not just this one year. Everyone struggles with what life hands them every single day. Just stop for a moment and have a real conversation with someone and you’ll find the struggle.

This blog is my way of dealing with those feelings. Hopefully it will speak to you and you can relate to it in some small way. If so please leave me a comment. But please remember that the memories, opinions, and crazy ideas are my own.  I am entitled to them, just as you are entitled to yours.  If we share a history, my memory of events may be different than yours.  All opinions are just that opinions, my opinions.  They are neither right or wrong, they are mine.  While I enjoy a good discussion and a lively exchange of ideas, I am not here to argue.

At this stage I have become a “mature” woman, with a lifetime of opinions and memories.  Sometimes they pop into my mind on my hour commute either to or from work.  Sometimes they are feelings that I have struggled with for days, weeks, and sometimes months or even years. So I use this blog as a way to express myself, my opinions, and my memories. I plan to pour my heart out in the coming months.

I believe that everyone has a story to tell. I tried to tell part of mine in a series of blogs about my short marriage to a drug addict. While that happy event only lasted about 4 years, it had a lasting and very deep effect on me. If you’re interested you can read about that here.

I hope to be more consistent in blogging in the future. A lot of things have gotten in the way of my blogging, but I realize now that writing fulfills a deep need in me to express myself. I think I even have a book or two of fiction in me.

KODAK Digital Still Camera
Photo credit: Lila, age 22 months



  1. I like your blog, Anna. Go to ntchristianwriters.com and learn more. If you’re interested there may be a writing group close to you. Later girl, Mary

  2. I enjoy your stories and think it’s a fantastic idea to express yourself.. I wish I could be as creative.. Look forward to reading more.. 💕

  3. I love that you are getting back in to blogging. You are a great writer and I always enjoy reading your entries 🙂 I like how transparent and real you are! Looking forward to the upcoming titles 🙂

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